Dear Parents,

First term has flown by us all. Well done to all of the Year 5 students for settling in quickly to the routine of the class and keeping up high performances in their work. We have been working with the new text books this term, Oxford Maths and Reading Conventions.

The Year 5 class enjoyed an excursion to watch the production of ‘The Gruffalo’s Child’.

The focus in writing this term has been narrative writing, the class produced many interesting (and SCARY) narratives for us to enjoy. In Maths, the Year 5’s have worked hard extending their learning of fractions, perimeter and shapes.

During Art, the students worked hard and produced some great pieces of art with the focus of Foreshortening: Using perspective, form, layout, balance and size correctly.

Year 5 Art

During Integrated Studies, the class has been learning about Australian History. They researched, made and presented fantastic projects on topics they could choose from the 1800’s. Students made posters, booklets and some fantastic PowerPoint presentations. Well done to all who completed and presented their projects.

Year 5 Project presentations

I wish everyone a happy and safe holidays. Please remember to complete your homework booklets and your online homework.

Mrs Stacey Koktas
Year 5 Teacher